
Welcome to the Old Generation of Ragnarok!

Oldschool Ragnarok Online is a Private Ragnarok Online Server running on the latest hercules emulator. We have exclusive server features and rates of 3,000x/3,000x/20%, which enable for a great experience. We also feature many custom items, quest, NPCs, StoryLine Quests, Daily Events and we boast a very friendly staff and community. So what are you waiting for? Give us a try now!

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OsRO Hall of Fame
PVP Ladder
1. just SHION 72
2. Alucard 51
3. Mango Fiesta 44
4. CardCaptorPlayer 37
5. Kinghayram 27
6. baby man 19
7. Lestr4nge 19
8. ratbuarararat 18
9. V E R M O U T H 17
10. Jutong 15
1. just SHION 40
2. Mango Fiesta 19
3. baby man 18
4. V E R M O U T H 16
5. Jutong 13
6. CardCaptorPlayer 10
7. ratbuarararat 9
8. Kikimon 8
9. Kinghayram 8
10. Aethan Rafael 7
War of Emperium
Guild Name
Guild Master
Terror Blade
Account Panel
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